Jessica Sole

65 Beach Street · Melbourne, VIC 3207 · +61426935212 ·

Hi, I'm Jessica, a former Pastry Chef turned passionate Web Developer. I have always been drawn to design and development. For twelve years I did this through baking and creating desserts in the hospitality industry. I now look to use my passion to bring quality products in a new industry.
I recently finished the General Assembly Web Development Immersive Program. In this program I worked on projects using HTML, Javascript, CSS, Ruby on Rails and React.JS. I also collaborated with fellow Web Dev & UX students on projects.
When I'm not coding I enjoy spending my time outdoors. I am an avid backpacker and photographer. I enjoy going on hikes and photographing nature.

  • Skills

    Programming Languages & Tools
    • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
    • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
    • Cross Functional Teams
    Transferable Skills
    • Teamwork
    • Communication
    • Detail Oriented
    • Innovation
    • Time Management
    • Customer Service
    • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving


    Javascript dom-drop-down

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    Students were asked to update the drop down box to show the five cities NYC, SF, LA, SYD, ATX. When you select a city in the drop-down box, the background image should change to show that city.



    CSS ecardly mock-up

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    Using HTML and CSS this is a Mock-up of a given PDF.



    CSS fashion mock-up

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    Using HTML and CSS this is a Mock-up of a given PDF.



    Tic Tac Toe

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    This project was the first project in the GA program. It is a game for two players. It is a tic-tac-toe game with a twist.



    Food Mood App

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    Students were asked to create an app using Ruby and Sinatra. The app idea is to help the user decide what to cook depending on the mood they are in. Users can create a profile, log in and save recipe url's to their favorites.



    Trivia App

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    The trivia app project was my first attempt at using React.js. In a week I made a simple trivia app. I have stretch goals for this project and enjoyed working in React.js.

